Sunday, January 20, 2013

Action Figures - Adam Warren's Dirty Pair six inch figures (Kei/Yuri)

Action Figures
Presenting Adam Warren's Dirty Pair 6" Figures (Kei and Yuri)
Year - 2002
Based on The Dirty Pair created by Haruka Takachiho.
By Dark Horse Comics

Usually, from my understanding of things like toys, you dont usually see toys come out on said series twilight. But that is exactly what happened here. By the time collectible knick knackery finally became available the series in question was on its last leg. Say hello to Adam Warren's Dirty Pair circa 2002, featuring Kei and Yuri. By Dark Horse Comics.

Let's see, what is there to say about these six inch figures? Well sculpt wise they look decent enough, pretty much resembling the third and final incarnation of this particular Pair (seen in Start the Violence One Shot and Run From The Future TPB, representing the last hoorah for Adam Warren's Dirty Pair as the series ended with Run From The Future). Paintwise it held up pretty well, being a decade old and all, with only abit of fading here and there, what little clothes being mostly silver and black accentuated with swaths of orange, dots of yellow and abit of red. Kei's hair is red, now a rather dark burgandy red after a decade of time, while Yuri's is black, which held up well over time.

If there is just one thing I hate about these toys, and it has a few things I dislike, it has to be the hair, which is a hard plastic mold on each. It looks nice, yes sure, but somehow I would have prefered brushable hair (ala My Little Pony Friendship is Magic). Why? It hinders articulation to an extent as you are about to see.

So let's see...

Head swivels back and forth, and up and down slightly, but is unable to do a 360 degree "Exorcist Spin" due to the hair.

Arms have a basic joint so you can spin the arms about, but the left arm is hindered by the hair. Also look at these little shoulder bits! They are so oddly shaped I would think they were attachments to a Iron Man toy!

Arms also sport a full stack of articulation with full bicept and wrist rotation, as well as jointed elbows.

No chest or torso articulation (something you would see in deluxe Kamen Rider figures).

Legs swivel at the hips (but this is rather stiff and not in a good heavily ratcheted ball joint sort of way). Also sports thigh and foot rotations and double jointed knees. This gives the figures a pretty decent set of articulation... but all the same it could have been better.

The arms should have been ball jointed for a greater range of motion. Then we have the hands. This toy comes with three accessories, a small gun )best gun), a large gun (which the right gun hand can't hold properly) and a very easy to lose micro accessory in the so called "Bloody Card" (which fits into the fingers of the left hand). What this toy needed was swappable hands (again a gimmick better known with Kamen Rider toys), with hands not only splayed open and fists but hands that can properly hold the large gun. A missed opportunity... one thing you shouldn't miss, though, is the small gun gimmick. Inside the right thigh (where the black WWWA band is, there is a piece of metal... why? Because the small guns have magnets in them and you can magnetically "clip" the gun onto the leg for "storage"... it's a pretty strong magnet too so itt'll stay put short of heavy jostling.... just, mind you, don't put the gun near anything that is sensitive to magnets. Even after a decade the guns are still highly magnetic so, well, be careful.

Finally the legs needed to be heavily ratcheted ball joints for greater articulation, but also capable of holding any pose placed... and that's about it. Given those add ons this toy could have been great. One thing that no amount of add ons will fix is the incredibly nitche audience this toy targets... basically Dirty Pair fans, specifically Adam Warren Dirty Pair fans. Sure, sure, this might have some appeal if you just so happen to be a fan of Anime Girls but... well it's probably bargain bin fodder by now so it's up to you if you might want some half dressed ladies for your collection. Me? This is a 2 out of 5. Just not worth it even if you were a fan of Adam Warren's Dirty Pair, which I was.

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